Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The intro

Welcome to my crazy world.  A little background - I am a woman in my 30's who grew up in a relatively small mountain community my entire life.  My childhood was fabulous.  I lived in the biggest outdoor playground.  My early years consisted of skiing, hiking, camping, fishing, rafting, rock climbing and backpacking (don't worry I still do all this now plus more!!!).  I treasure that part of my life - it is what has gotten me through all the craziness.
I was sexually assaulted at the age of 15, and then again at 23, and then again at 25...  The childhood sexual assault turned my world upside down and inside out.  I turned to drugs and alochol for my survival mode.  I was in denial about the situations as was everyone else in my life. I can finally say I am in a wonderful spot in the healing process.  I definitely suffer from PTSD and mood disorders, but am able to work through it in a healthy manner now.
This blog has a purpose.  I want to educate the public about sexual assault through my experiences.  I want to open people eyes to the horror, so that hopefully people can come together and fight for a worthy cause!!!  I hope to disspell certain myths in regards to sexual assault.  I also want to show what the world of healing for a victim consists of.  It is an ugly subject and I give you forewarning now, but if we keep pretending it doesn't exist nothing can be done...  I also plan on discussing my family life - which wasn't the worst it could be, but drugs were involved a lot.  Hopefully if any of my family ends up reading this they understand I am not critical against them.  I love my family more than anything.  I just want to show the effects sexual assault and drug addictions can have on an entire family!
I am currently going to school in the big city, moved away from home, getting a Bachelor's in Speech Communication with an emphasis on Rhetoric and Public Address and a minor in Women's Studies.  I plan on educating the public throughout my lifetime on the myths and misconceptions of rape through my life story as well as the stories of other victims.  I have done a lot of public speaking now in the past few yearsI also would like to share my work experiences.  I volunteer for the CCASA (Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault), and hope to start volunteering for RAINN as well as Advocates For Victims of Assault (I currently do some work for them but it is minimal).

#1 - the names have been changed in this story, and I will NOT disclose them.
#2 - please do not feel I am looking for sympathy.  I prefer empathy.
#3 - if you know me or figure out who I am feel free to talk to me about the things written here - obviously my life is an open book...
#4 - if you don't want to believe me or question the things I have said, please kindly stop reading...